Monday, July 19, 2010

It'sComing!!! 7 Days of Summer Erotica Heat is almost here!!


Its only 7 more days before the fun starts! Now remember how this will go each day there will be a different erotic author. Each author has a few questions Laurie asked them and they answered. A book excerpt from one of their books and then the there's the giveaway, a few are giving a choice of your pick of books, while others have picked a book to giveaway. Some will be books, while some will be ebooks so read carefully before you enter the giveaway. So mark the dates (July 26-August 1) down and be here to enter away. Who knows, you just may find a new favorite author.

A couple of these authors will be attending the RWA.So they may not answer or comment as quick as others.

The winners will be announced in one post after the event.

Here is the line up so far

Stephanie Julian

Leah Braemel

Anitra Lynn McLeod

Kate Douglas

Lissa Matthews

N.J Walters

Keta Diablo

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun Nancy!!! I'll try to remember, but keep us posted.... :)

    Love the colors of your blog by the way!!!

    billi jean
